Assalamualaikum..good day you all.. Main purpose of this entry was when im just thinking while relaxing when did i really became a facebooker(hihi) started in 2008-2009(too old to memorize a lot of things nowadays hahaha).Just signed up to facebook because at that time people used to have a kind of 'terjebak' la..but i really found that it gave you a pros and cons of having an account so called social media using that time share button was not there yet so news are so not becoming fastly viral compared to nowadays people or things can get very famous if people tend to share it among their wall.. Pic below is my fb account..pls do add me hahaha!! Realizing that the importance of having social media account makes me wondering how facebook can add value to our life through doing some part time job to cope with high standard of living especially in Klang Valley..want to know how??wait for the next entry..see u then!!
Saya adalah Shaklee Independent Distributor..berminat nak cuba produk Shaklee atau nak jana side income, sms/call I 0194740021 Siti Arfah Abdullah =)
Friday, 13 November 2015
Assalamualaikum..good day you all.. Main purpose of this entry was when im just thinking while relaxing when did i really became a facebooker(hihi) started in 2008-2009(too old to memorize a lot of things nowadays hahaha).Just signed up to facebook because at that time people used to have a kind of 'terjebak' la..but i really found that it gave you a pros and cons of having an account so called social media using that time share button was not there yet so news are so not becoming fastly viral compared to nowadays people or things can get very famous if people tend to share it among their wall.. Pic below is my fb account..pls do add me hahaha!! Realizing that the importance of having social media account makes me wondering how facebook can add value to our life through doing some part time job to cope with high standard of living especially in Klang Valley..want to know how??wait for the next entry..see u then!!
Monday, 12 August 2013
raya raya raya
mata xboleh lena plak mlm ni..myb sbb terlampau letih..huhu..bertolak dr penang 1230pm sampai rumah bangi 1115pm..haiyooo hampir 12jam...ry punya pasai..xpalah sabaq..brula feell raya kan..xjem mana best.hihi..bru dpt rs mcmna dok tahan kencing sbb rnr penuh..hahaha..
apapun ry tahun ni best wpun singkat kat kmpg sbb hubby dpt cuti ry..lps ni tggu lg 2-3tahun la nak dpt cuti ry lg..aminn in sha Allah..
so by that time anak dh 3 kot..hahaaah..what a part time ry ni is kutip duit ry anak..hahaha..
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Segalanya bermula....
Salam subuh semua...
Post kali ni lebih kepada bgaimana sy bermula dgn Shaklee..yes of course sy xkan join tanpa buat sedikit research pasai sykt ni..setelah membuat penilaian yg sy sendiri yg puas hati,tanpa bnyk ckp sy pun sign in ahli melalui seseorg yg sy hny kenal melalui fb..(actually xkenal pun lg ms nak sign up tu) alhamdulillah beliau baik dan sgt supportive orgnya(muda dr akak tau))huhuhu..penting nak sign up under sapa tau..kot nnti kita sign up lps tu kita xtau apa perlu dibuat kan..hancusss bekecai..
Berbekalkan rm75, daku tekad nak beli untuk kegunaan sendiri n nak buat duit tambahan dgn Shaklee ni..
Dan alhamdulillah bln pertama join trus happy sbb dpt bnus hasil usaha jalan sana sini promote(sbb buat offline) xberani nak buat online sbb RAMAI sgt dh betullah rezeki masing2 Allah dh tentukan..tinggal bagaimana cara untuk kita berusaha mendapatkannya ja..ikan xkan habes dilautan walau seramai mana pun nelayan yg dok pi tangkap depa..hahahaha..ayat xleh blahhh..
Dan sy percaya xdk bsnes yg xdak jatuh bgn kan..mana bisa kita trus bjaya ke puncak andai suma yang dilalui manis belaka..huhu..dan kini msuk bln kelima sy sdh besama Shaklee dan sy masih lg dlm proses pembelajaran..dan harapanku moga suma apa yg dilakukan aku mendapt redha Ilahi dan seterusny suami tercinta.
Doakan aku!!
Love love love:))
My 2 little sweethearts!!
Sj suka2 update blog bila tgk anak2 dh tdoq..cptnya masa berlaluu..sorg dh 3 tahun 3bln and sorg dh 1tahun 4 bln..alhamdulillah kedua2nya Allah bg rezki susu ibu sepenuhnya..mama bersyukur sgt syggsss..
Sulung Aleya Safia nama diberi..seindah nama secomel tuan punya diri..heheeh
Second Ayra Sofina wajah ayu tp grg mcm mummy..hahahaa
Ok tu ja la nak cerita..hahaaha
Sambungan td xhabes!!
Akibat syok sendiri n bru blajaq buat blog,nilah padahnya..pi tekan apa tah entry xsiap tp dh terpost..dhla guna phne..huhuhu..sunggoh ku buta xpalah xblajaq bila nk pandai..
Ok berbalik kepada apa yg sy amik,so ni lah dia
Lecithin-untuk kurus
Alfalfa-yg ni sbg milk booster(xmau bg effect kemeriahan susu la kononnya)
2ni ja sy amik n hasilnya sy berpuas hati..xperlu org tegur tp ckupla suami nampak perubahan itu..hahaha..gitu katanya..dan akhirnya membawa kepada join ahli pd Februari 2013. The product speak itself..huhu..daku sememangnya jatuh cinta lg..
Love love love:)
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Daku jatuh cinta lagi!!
Entry kali ni sy nak cita plak mcm mana i boleh terjebak dengan Shaklee ni..huhuhu..(eh eh napa sedih?ok tukar..hahahaha)
Citanya start bila besalinkan anak yg no 2 pd Mac 2012 lps..berat bdn last before meleTOP ada kot dalam 73.6kg(auwww gemsss nya) org xperasan sgt sbb depa kata sy xnampak sgt.(perasannnn). nak tau lps besalin tu gataila p tmbg nak tgk berat trun berapa kan..hasilnya 68.3kg!!huhh?gila apa,bby ja dh 2.8kg xkan darah uri segala 3kg+ ja?berat bdn asal sy ialah 58kg ok..hahaahhaha..gelakk lgggggggg
Tp disebabkan ke"positip"an sy nak meyusukan anak selama 2thun berkobar2 sy buat rilek ja la..redha..makan ms pntg control tp nasi mmg wajib alhamdulillah susu sgtttt MERIAH..
Tapi,kita tahu bdn kita sendiri kan..habes pntg rs bdn berat,cepat penat,ms tu tgk fb ja semua promote barang jualan masing2..niat nak beli tu ada tp tahan dulu sbb takut effect susu kat anak.Setelah hold hold dan hold AKHIRNYA setelah mendapat restu suami(ait nak mkn suuplement pun kena mintak izin eh?) so NOVEMBER 2012 brulah berani pm sorg kwn yg mmg tgh buat Shaklee time tu purpose utama adalah nak trunkan berat bdn TANPA jejaskan susu?So dr pemerhatian inilah yg daku beli..