Friday 13 November 2015


Assalamualaikum..good day you all..            Main purpose of this entry was when im just thinking while relaxing when did i really became a facebooker(hihi) started in 2008-2009(too old to memorize a lot of things nowadays hahaha).Just signed up to facebook because at that time people used to have a kind of 'terjebak' la..but i really found that it gave you a pros and cons of having an account so called social media using that time share button was not there yet so news are so not becoming fastly viral compared to nowadays people or things can get very famous if people tend to share it among their wall..   Pic below is my fb account..pls do add me hahaha!! Realizing that the importance of having social media account makes me wondering how facebook can add value to our life through doing some part time job to cope with high standard of living especially in Klang Valley..want to know how??wait for the next entry..see u then!!



Its been a long time for our small family to go on a vacation..(such a hectic mummy since i pursue my MBA ) 😘😘..pity my daughters and mr husband as their weekend will be only at home..         While i was surfing on the internet in my office back a few weeks ago,i was planning to take my small little family to a short break..thus all i did was to browse to book for a hotel.For me,it is the fastest and convenient way for me to search for the accomodation that situated near to the place that we are going to holiday..tadaaa this is what we are waiting for!!Penang,wait for us!!